Fixing your Cox email Account on a Mac
Disclaimer.: This is somewhat complicated, so hang in there. You can do this!
Step 1:
Go to this page in yahoo and generate an app password. This password will only be used for this procedure and will not be your email password. Copy that password so you can paste it later.
Step 2
On your mac, open you mail app (blue icon with envelope).
Click on "Mail" in top left corner. Select "Settings" and "Accounts."
Click on the ("-") sign lower left and delete all cox and yahoo accounts.
Add a new account, but do not choose yahoo. Choose "add other" and then "mail account."
Put in a ficticious account name like
Put in a ficticious password like zzzzzzzzzzz
Select "log in."
It will take a few minutes, but will come back with "unable to verify name or password."
Now, change the settings to:
Email address: Your cox email address
Username: Your cox email address
Password: Paste in the password you generated in Step 1, from Yahoo.
Click sign In and done, and hopefully your mail app will be working.
This is what you should see when you have completed the steps.
Still not working? Try this link.